I'm trying to develop an app with self-encryption for android.
The idea is following:
So the core idea is self-encryption.
I know what is obfuscation so please don't mention it. The same thing with any side apps. I'm not going to spend all rest of my life in reverse-engineering))). So...
I thing the idea is great and really interesting, plus many people will be glad to know how to protect their apps.
[EDITED] Thanks @Pace and @JimmyB for custom ClassLoader idea. I'll try to implement it. Also my thanks to @xalo which proposed metamorphic engine concept, I'll dig into this theme because i think it will satisfy my goal to a greater extent.
You shouldn't try to self-encrypt your app, it will add a lot of complexity for not so many protection.
In fact, hacker just have to reverse your decryption routine or to dump memory once the app is running.
Best way to protect against reversing as Java/Android app is obfuscation.
You can also look into remote metamorphic engine concept https://media.defcon.org/DEF%20CON%2024/DEF%20CON%2024%20presentations/DEFCON-24-Amro-Abdelgawad-The-Remote-Metamorphic-Engine.pdf