can't understand how it works preg_match, tryed today few hours to create my function with lot of examples, even documentation and didnt help me. so need yours help please.
need te get 2 elements
first is element name menu, secound is content between tags {main} looks like
{main item=menu} bla bla bla{/main}
An simple regex would be /\{([a-z]+)\s*item=([a-z]+)\}(.*?)\{\/\1\}/
. Applied to your example, this would return the matching groups main
, menu
and bla bla bla
if (preg_match('/\{([a-z]+)\s*item=([a-z]+)\}(.*?)\{\/\1\}/', $data, $m)) {
if ($m[2] == 'menu') {
// do something usefull..
$content = $m[3];
you could even use preg_match_all
, to iterate over all elements, matching this pattern.