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How do I cast a shared_ptr from one parent class to another parent class?

I am in the process of re-working my game engine to use smart-pointers. I have an Object class which everything inherits from. I have a GameObject which is renderable so it inherits from IRenderable (a class that defines a pure virtual render function) and does not inherit from Object. I have a RenderSystem which is supposed to hold a shared_ptr to all IRenderable in the scene.

The problem that I have is how do I cast my shared_ptr<GameObject> to an IRenderable for the RenderSystem?

Ideas that I have tried:

  • RenderSystem uses shared_ptr` but this doesn't work as it is dangerous because not all gameObjects are renderable.
  • Have IRenderable inherit from Object which should allow for me to inherit from it. This would mean that IRenderable is no longer an interface as Object has other functions included.

This is completely do-able with raw pointers and as such, I feel like there is some way to achieve the same result with smart pointers


// Object.h
class Object : public enable_shared_from_this<Object> { ... }
// GameObject.h
class GameObject : public Object { ... }
// MeshRenderer.h
class MeshRenderer : public GameObject, IRenderable { 
    void initialize()
         // Not able to cast Object to IRenderable
         // AND

         // Not able to cast Object to IRenderable
// RenderSystem.h
class RenderSystem 
    std::list<std::shared_ptr<IRenderable>> m_renderables;
    void addRenderable(std::shared_ptr<IRenderable> ptr)

// main.cpp
auto meshRenderer = std::shared_ptr<MeshRenderer>();


  • Like this:

    #include <memory>
    // everything is an Object - yuk, but ok, if you wish...
    struct Object : std::enable_shared_from_this<Object>
    struct GameObject : Object
    struct IRenderable
        virtual void render() {};
    struct RederableGameObject : GameObject, IRenderable
        auto as_shared_renderable() -> std::shared_ptr<IRenderable>
            // builds a new shared pointer to IRenderable which
            // uses the same lifetime control block as me
            return std::shared_ptr<IRenderable>
                this->shared_from_this(),   // where to get the control block
                this                        // what to point to


    See constructor number (8)


    Here is a starting point for a free function to fetch a correct shared_pointer from any object provided it is ultimately publicly derived from std::enable_shared_from_this

    #include <memory>
    #include <type_traits>
    namespace notstd
        // stuff that I think *should be* std
        using namespace std;
        // a trait to determine whether class T is derived from template
        // Tmpl<...>
        template <typename T, template <class...> class Tmpl>
        struct is_derived_from_template_impl
            static std::false_type test(...);
            template <typename...Us>
            static std::true_type test(Tmpl<Us...> const &);
            using result = decltype(test(std::declval<T>()));
        template <typename T, template <class...> class Tmpl>
        using is_derived_from_template = typename is_derived_from_template_impl<T, Tmpl>::result;
        template <typename T, template <class...> class Tmpl>
        constexpr auto is_derived_from_template_v = is_derived_from_template<T, Tmpl>::value;
        // free function version of shared_from_this
        template<class T> 
        auto shared_from(enable_shared_from_this<T>* p) 
        -> std::shared_ptr<T>
            return p->shared_from_this();
        // specific shared_ptr construction from type T
        template<class T> 
        auto shared_from(T*p) 
        -> enable_if_t
            return std::shared_ptr<T>(p->shared_from_this(), p);
    // everything is an Object - yuk, but ok, if you wish...
    struct Object : std::enable_shared_from_this<Object>
    struct GameObject : Object
    struct IRenderable
        virtual void render() {};
    extern int emit(const char* str);
    struct RederableGameObject : GameObject, IRenderable
        auto as_shared_renderable() -> std::shared_ptr<RederableGameObject>
            return notstd::shared_from(this);
        auto as_shared_renderable() const -> std::shared_ptr<const RederableGameObject>
            return notstd::shared_from(this);
        void e() const {
        void e()  {
    int main()
        auto rgo = std::make_shared<RederableGameObject>();
        // prove it works
        auto p1 = rgo->as_shared_renderable();
        // prove it works with a const object also
        auto p2 = static_cast<const RederableGameObject&>(*rgo).as_shared_renderable();