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list of dictionaries processing - readability and complexity

I have basic question about comprehension. There is list of dicts where values are lists, it looks like this:

listionary = [{'path': ['/tmp/folder/cat/number/letter', '/tmp/folder/hog/char/number/letter', '/tmp/folder/hog/number/letter', '/etc'], 
'mask': True, 
'name': 'dict-1'}, 
{'path': ['/tmp/folder/dog/number-2/letter-4', '/tmp/folder/hog-00/char/number-1/letter-5', '/tmp/folder/cow/number-2/letter-3'], 
'mask': True, 
'name': 'dict-2'}, 
{'path': ['/tmp/folder/dog_111/number/letter', '/tmp/folder/ant/char/number/letter', '/tmp/folder/hen/number/letter'], 
'mask': True, 
'name': 'dict-3'}]

What I need is to get from list-type values every unique animal. Animal is always between tmp/folder/ and next /. What I did:

import re
flat_list = [item for sublist in [i['path'] for i in listionary] for item in sublist]
animals = list(set(['folder/([a-z]+)', elem).group(1) for elem in flat_list if 'tmp' in elem]))

It might be also compressed into one line, but it is quite complicated and unreadable:

animals = list(set(['folder/([a-z]+)', elem).group(1) for elem in [item for sublist in [i['path'] for i in listionary] for item in sublist] if 'tmp' in elem]))

Is there any golden rule(e.g. zen of python) about size of comprehension? How can I make it better? Thank you in advance.


  • How can I make it better?

    1. have someone else read it. ✓
    2. use functions to encapsulate more complex operations
    3. don't nest loops on the same line

    Here's how I would break down the last two points..

    def get_animals(d):
        animals = []
        for item in d['path']:
            if item.startswith('/tmp/folder/'):
        return animals
    animals = set()
    for d in dlist:
    animals = list(animals)