I am using Eigen to calculate the best fit of a set of points to a plane. What I need to do with this data, is then rotate the set of points so they lie flat, negating the rotation value.
My code is:
cv::Point2f plane_from_points(const std::vector<Vector3> & c)
// copy coordinates to matrix in Eigen format
size_t num_atoms = c.size();
Eigen::Matrix< Vector3::Scalar, Eigen::Dynamic, Eigen::Dynamic > coord(3, num_atoms);
for (size_t i = 0; i < num_atoms; ++i) coord.col(i) = c[i];
// calculate centroid
Vector3 centroid(coord.row(0).mean(), coord.row(1).mean(), coord.row(2).mean());
// subtract centroid
coord.row(0).array() -= centroid(0); coord.row(1).array() -= centroid(1); coord.row(2).array() -= centroid(2);
// we only need the left-singular matrix here
// http://math.stackexchange.com/questions/99299/best-fitting-plane-given-a-set-of-points
auto svd = coord.jacobiSvd(Eigen::ComputeThinU | Eigen::ComputeThinV);
Vector3 plane_normal = svd.matrixU().rightCols<1>();
float x = plane_normal[0];
float y = plane_normal[1];
float z = plane_normal[2];
float angle = atan2(x, z) * 180 / PI;
float angle2 = atan2(y, z) * 180 / PI;
cv::Point ret(angle, angle2);
return ret;
Then, in C#, I convert the angle values to a quaternion, to rotate my object:
public static Quaternion QuatFromEuler(double yaw, double pitch, double roll)
yaw = Deg2Rad(yaw);
pitch = Deg2Rad(pitch);
roll = Deg2Rad(roll);
double rollOver2 = roll * 0.5f;
double sinRollOver2 = (double)Math.Sin((double)rollOver2);
double cosRollOver2 = (double)Math.Cos((double)rollOver2);
double pitchOver2 = pitch * 0.5f;
double sinPitchOver2 = (double)Math.Sin((double)pitchOver2);
double cosPitchOver2 = (double)Math.Cos((double)pitchOver2);
double yawOver2 = yaw * 0.5f;
double sinYawOver2 = (double)Math.Sin((double)yawOver2);
double cosYawOver2 = (double)Math.Cos((double)yawOver2);
Quaternion result = new Quaternion();
result.W = cosYawOver2 * cosPitchOver2 * cosRollOver2 + sinYawOver2 * sinPitchOver2 * sinRollOver2;
result.X = cosYawOver2 * sinPitchOver2 * cosRollOver2 + sinYawOver2 * cosPitchOver2 * sinRollOver2;
result.Y = sinYawOver2 * cosPitchOver2 * cosRollOver2 - cosYawOver2 * sinPitchOver2 * sinRollOver2;
result.Z = cosYawOver2 * cosPitchOver2 * sinRollOver2 - sinYawOver2 * sinPitchOver2 * cosRollOver2;
return result;
This gives me:
angles: -177 -126
quat: -0.453834928533952,-0.890701198505913,-0.0233238317256566,0.0118840858439476
Which, when i apply it, looks nothing like it should. (I expect a roughly 45 degree rotation in one axis, I get a 180 degree flip)
I have tried switching the axes to check for coordinate space mismatch(which is likely), but I cannot get this to work. Am I doing something wrong?
I have checked the 3d points that i pass into the algorithm, and they are correct, so my issue is either in the point-to-plane code, or the quaternion conversion. Any help would be much appreciated. Thank you.
If you want to calculate the quaternion which rotates one plane to another, simply compute the quaternion that rotates the normal to the other:
#include <Eigen/Geometry>
int main() {
using namespace Eigen;
// replace this by your actual plane normal:
Vector3d plane_normal = Vector3d::Random().normalized();
// Quaternion which rotates plane_normal to UnitZ, or the plane to the XY-plane:
Quaterniond rotQ = Quaterniond::FromTwoVectors(plane_normal, Vector3d::UnitZ());
std::cout << "Random plane_normal: " << plane_normal.transpose() << '\n';
std::cout << "rotated plane_normal: " << (rotQ * plane_normal).transpose() << '\n';
Also, don't store your angles in degrees, ever (it may sometimes make sense to output them in degrees ...).
And more importantly: Stop using Euler Angles!