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class required a single bean, but 2 were found:

I have the below interface:

public interface MailSender {
    void sender(String to, String subject,String body);

With 2 imlementation of it:

public class SmtpkMailSender implements MailSender   {

    static Log log=LogFactory.getLog(MailSender.class); 

    public void sender(String to, String subject,String body){"SMTP To: "+to);"SMTP Subjecy: "+subject);"SMTP body: "+body);


and the second one is:

public class MockMailSender implements MailSender   {

    static Log log=LogFactory.getLog(MailSender.class); 

    public void sender(String to, String subject,String body){"To: "+to);"Subject: "+subject);"body: "+body);


I used the dependency injection into the controller class which is as following:

public class MailController {

    private MailSender smtpkMailSender;

    public String send(){
        smtpkMailSender.sender("Person", "Important", "Take Care");
        return "mail is sent";

At the end i have a configuration class which contains my Beans:

public class MailConfig {

    public SmtpkMailSender getSmtpkMailSender(){
        return new SmtpkMailSender();

    public MockMailSender getMockMailSender(){
        return new MockMailSender();


Unfortunatly, when i run my application it complains with:


Field smtpkMailSender in com.example.demo.MailController required a single bean, but 2 were found:
    - getSmtpkMailSender: defined by method 'getSmtpkMailSender' in class path resource [com/example/mail/MailConfig.class]
    - getMockMailSender: defined by method 'getMockMailSender' in class path resource [com/example/mail/MailConfig.class]


Consider marking one of the beans as @Primary, updating the consumer to accept multiple beans, or using @Qualifier to identify the bean that should be consumed

As you see, although i have specified the MockMailSender as Primary the spring still complains, and cannot identify it


  • Since you're using java config you should mark config method with @Primary annotation, and not a class:

    public class MailConfig {
        public SmtpkMailSender getSmtpkMailSender(){
            return new SmtpkMailSender();
        public MockMailSender getMockMailSender(){
            return new MockMailSender();