With Scalaz Task I make this with scalaz.Nondeterminism.both
or with Nondeterminism[Task].gatherUnordered()
How can I do the same thing with fs2 0.9.x version tasks?
I'm assuming you're on fs2 version 0.9.x.
To execute several Tasks in parallel, you can simply call Task.start
Here's an example from the docs:
for {
f <- Task.start { expensiveTask1 }
// at this point, `expensive1` is evaluating in background
g <- Task.start { expensiveTask2 }
// now both `expensiveTask2` and `expensiveTask1` are running
result1 <- f
// we have forced `f`, so now only `expensiveTask2` may be running
result2 <- g
// we have forced `g`, so now nothing is running and we have both results
} yield (result1 + result2)
So in your case it would look like this:
for {
ta <- Task.start(Task.now("Hello"))
tb <- Task.start(Task.now("World"))
a <- ta
b <- tb
} yield (a, b)
Note that in the future it might be possible to do something like this with much less boilerplate. There's a PR in the works to add a Parallel
type class, which would allow us to write something like this:
(taskA, taskB).parMapN((a, b) => ...)