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How does #delay work for Verilog non-blocking statements?

What will be printed for A and B in the second $display statement?

module blocking;

reg[0:7] A, B;

initial begin
   A = 3;
   #1 A = A + 1; 
   B = A + 1;
   $display("Blocking: A= %d B= %d", A, B ); // A = 4, B = 5
   A = 3;
   #1 A <= A + 1;
   B <= A + 1;
   #1 $display("Non-blocking: A= %d B= %d", A, B ); // A = ?, B = ?

How does event scheduling in Verilog work with respect to delays and non-blocking statements?


  • Because you have #1 before the second $display statement, it will be executed in the next cycle after A and B are settled.

    Say we are at cycle #1.

    A = 3; // at #1
    #1 // (does not matter) --> #2
    A <= A + 1; // #2 will do A + 1 and wait till the end of the cycle 
    B <= A + 1; // #2 same as above
    // at the end of the cycle #2 (nba scheduling bucket) before switching to #3 
    //    A and B will be assigned '4'
    #1 // --> #3
    // new values of A and B are available here (4)
    $display("Non-blocking: A= %d B= %d", A, B );