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ng-click in Angularjs ui-grid cell Template doesn't work

I don't know why with the following template ng-click doesn't work:

<md-icon ng-click="console.log('hello'); $event.stopPropagation();" md-font-icon layout-fill ng-
         class="md-raised inline-icon fa statusCellIcon" style="z-index:1000;">

$event.stopPropagation() executes but not the console.log.

someone knows why?

Thank you.


  • The solution if someone is interested by was:

    Expose the method to the ui-grid by adding the following to the grid options:

    appScopeProvider: someFunction: function () { doSomeThing(); }

    And in the ColumnTemplate of the grid add the following code:

    <md-icon md-font-icon layout-fill class="inline-icon fa"
             ng-click="grid.appScope.someFunction(); $event.stopPropagation();"
    </md-icon> ...</div>