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ng-click event not getting fired with ng-repeat in a table

below vm.onQRnClicked function is not getting fired from a ng-click in table. link for QRN column in table is being dynamically created from responses of API's. used ng-click to attach event.getWf, gLEP and getByLE are methods which will call respective API's internally and return their respective responses.

 vm.onQRnClicked= function(){
                                    return true;
                            .then(function(response) {
                                        .then(function (lEPresponse) {
                                            if (typeof lEPresponse.children !== "undefined") {

                                                Promise.all( {
                                                    return getpByLE(e.lEId)
                                                      .then(function(getpByLEresponse) {
                                                        var oLE = {};

                                                        var linkForQrN = '<a ng-click="vm.onQRnClicked()">' + e.qrN + '</a>';
                                                        oLE.html = e.html;
                                                        oLE.qrN = linkForQrN;
                                                        oLE.lEN = e.lEName;
                                                        oLE.code = getpByLEresponse.code;
                                                        return html;
                                                  .then(function(result) {


                                                  .finally(function() {
                                                vm.dL = false; 
                                        .finally(function () {

html below. I try to give columns under QRN. function onQRnClicked is not getting fired.

 <div class="row" >
        <div class="col-xs-12 form-group">
          <label class="control-label" >O D</label>
          <table id="oT">
              <th>L E N</th>
              <th>P Code</th>
            <tr ng-repeat="x in vm.oLEs">
              <td id="qrN" ng-bind-html="x.qrN"></td>
              <td ng-bind-html="x.lEN"></td>
              <td ng-bind-html="x.code"></td>
              <td ng-bind-html="x.html"></td>


  • To add ng-click the way you are trying means you have to bind the element to $scope using compile, and isn't very angular-ish. In your use-case, it's better to just apply the ng-click to the html so that angular will compile automatically at runtime

    <td ng-click="vm.onQRnClicked()" id="qrN" ng-bind-html="x.qrN"></td>