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How I can delegate a click event in angular?

How can delegate a click event on my board, what I do is I tell element to find element with the class open-preview And I can not do it like I do. Because the li is created dynamically in ruby loop. I do not know how I can delegate a click event in angular instead of find.


  <li open-preview>
    <a ng-href="{{product.url}}" title="{{product.brand}}">
      <img ng-src="{{product.urlImage}}" alt="{{product.brand}}">
    <div class="descrip-product">
    <span class="open-preview">Quick view</span>


var app = angular.module('productPreview'),

 app.directive('openPreview', function($compile, $templateCache, $timeout) {

     return {
         restrict: 'A',
         transclude: false,
         templateNamespace: 'html',
         scope: true,
         link: function(scope, element, attrs) {

             element.find('.open-preview').bind('click', function() {
                // function here


  • It's better (if not outright required) to use an isolate scope because you are reusing the directive.

    In isolate scope you can define how a directive can invoke an external (to the directive) function - this is done with scope: { param: "&" }

    app.directive('openPreview', function() {
         return {
             restrict: 'A',
             scope: {
                openPreview: "&"
             link: function(scope, element, attrs) {
                 element.find('.open-preview').bind('click', function() {
                    // invoke the function
                    scope.openPreview({p1: 'foo', p2: 'bar'});

    Then the usage is:

    <li open-preview="onPreview(p1, 'xyz', p2)">