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How to handle request from $_POST where no Symfony form is defined on the request, without searching form classname?

How can I handle request data from the $_POST data itself. I mean if I try to handle the form like this: $form->handleRequest($request);, Symfony would try to get the data from $_POST['form_classname'], but I want to fill my form class straight from base $_POST variables.

Actually I want to handle the information from the outer site. And I have to develop something like an API. But without authorization, tokens, etc...

So I decided to build the form with some properties I need. After validation the form might do some logic.

Here is an example of $_POST I have to handle


As you can see, there is no form name in request. The $form->handleRequest($request); works only if the request was like an


But I can't change the request format.


  • Just put in your form class

    /** @inheritdoc */
    function getBlockPrefix() {
        return '';

    Here is the information about this method Documentation