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Error in using postgres COPY in windows batch file

This is working perfectly. All the columns in table1 is successfully exported as a .csv file.

echo \copy table1 TO '%HOME%\net\CSV_OUTPUT.csv' DELIMITER ',' CSV HEADER;
) | "C:\Program Files\PostgreSQL\9.3\bin\psql.exe" -h %DB_HOST% -p 5432 -U %DB_USER% -d %DB_NAME%

But I wanted to export only selected columns to the .csv file but what I have tried so far does not work.

I have tried using SELECT but it returns an error that says "TO was unexpected at this time"

echo \copy (SELECT red_foo FROM table1) TO '%HOME%\net\CSV_OUTPUT.csv' DELIMITER ',' CSV HEADER;

I have also tried to remove the parentheses but it returns an error that says

"\copy: parse error at "red_foo""

What should be the correct way for this implementation? Your suggestions and ideas are highly appreciated.


  • Using the suggestion of @a_horse_with_no_name in the comments, I have successfully exported a .csv file with only selected columns.

    A separate SQL script that contains the \copy statement is used on the psql command on my windows batch script and it works like a charm.