I have a MsAccess database (.mdb) located in D drive as (D:\project.mdb). Database have more than 120 Tables. There is a table Records which have primary key and multiple fields. I want to get the Columns,ColumnType and PrimaryKey.
I am getting fields and its type using :
Dim TableNm_ As String = "Records"
Dim restrictions2() As String = {Nothing, Nothing, TableNm_, Nothing}
Dim DataTable2 As System.Data.DataTable = conn.GetSchema("Columns", restrictions2)
But it did not have PrimayKey Column.
I have gone through several SO posts and others like GetSchema and PrimaryKey column. But i do not want to create a command and Reader to read the key.
Is there any way to get PrimayKey Column of table Records only, using conn.GetSchema ?
You can use Connection.GetOleDbSchemaTable
and pass PrimaryKeys SchemaGuid.
Apply restrictions on TableName as :
DataTable2 = conn.GetOleDbSchemaTable(OleDbSchemaGuid.Primary_Keys, New String() {Nothing, Nothing, TableNm_})
For Each TableRow As DataRow In DataTable2.Rows
If TableRow.Item("PK_NAME").ToString.ToLower = "PrimaryKey".ToLower Then
Dim PrimaryKey = TableRow.Item("COLUMN_NAME")
Dim Ordinal = CShort(TableRow.Item("ORDINAL"))
End If