I am using ubuntu 16.04, with GPU Geforce 1080, 8 GB GPU memory.
I have properly created TF-record files, and I trained the model successfully. However I still have two problems.
I did the following steps and I still have two problems, just tell me please what I am missing:-
I used VOCdevkit and I properly created two files which are:- pascal_train.record
and pascal_val.record
1- From this link, I used the raccoon images, I placed them into the following directory models/object_detection/VOCdevkit/VOC2012/JPEGImages
(after I deleted the previous images).
Then, I used the raccoon annotation, I placed them into the following directory models/object_detection/VOCdevkit/VOC2012/Annotation
(after I deleted the previous ones).
2- I modified the models/object_detection/data/pascal_label_map.pbxt
and I wrote one class name which is 'raccoon'
3- I used ssd_mobilenet_v1_pets.config
. I modified it, the number of class is only one and I did not train from scratch, I used ssd_mobilenet_v1_coco_11_06_2017/model.ckpt
fine_tune_checkpoint: "/home/jesse/abdu-py2/models/model/ssd_mobilenet_v1_coco_11_06_2017/model.ckpt"
from_detection_checkpoint: true
4- From this link I arrange my data structure which is like that:-
1.1 model
1.1.1 ssd_mobilenet_v1_pets.config
1.1.2 train
1.1.3 evaluation
1.1.4 ssd_mobilenet_v1_coco_11_06_2017/model.ckpt
1.2 object_detection
1.2.1 data
that contains (pascal_train.record, pascal_val.record, and pascal_label_map.pbtxt)
1.2.2 VOCdevkit VOC2012 JPEGImages (my own images) Annotations (raccoon annotation) ImageSets Main (raccoon_train.txt,raccoon_val.txt,raccoon_train_val.txt)
5- Now, I will train my model
(abdu-py2) jesse@jesse-System-Product-Name:~/abdu-py2/models$ python object_detection/train.py --logtostderr --pipeline_config_path=/home/jesse/abdu-py2/models/model/ssd_mobilenet_v1_pets.config --train_dir=/home/jesse/abdu-py2/models/model/train
Every thing looks fine, I created it many files like checkpoint
and events.out.tfevents.1503337171
file (and others) after many thousands of training steps.
However, my two problems are:-
1- Based on this link, I can not run evaluation eval.py
(for memory reason) at the same time with train.py
2- I tried to use events.out.tfevents.1503337171
file that I created from training steps, but it seems it has not been created correctly.
So, I don't know where I am mistaken, I think my data structure is not correct, I tried to arrange it based on my understanding.
Thanks in advance
Regarding Q2/
I figured it out how to convert the events
files and model.ckpt
files (that I created them from training process) to inference_graph_.pb
. The inference_graph_.pb
could be tested later with object_detection_tutorial.ipynb
. For my case I tried it, but I could not detect anything since I am mistaken somewhere during train.py
The following steps convert the trained files to .pb
(abdu-py2) jesse@jesse-System-Product-Name:~/abdu-py2/models$ python object_detection/export_inference_graph.py \
--input_type image_tensor \
--pipeline_config_path /home/jesse/abdu-py2/models/model/ssd_mobilenet_v1_pets.config \
--trained_checkpoint_prefix /home/jesse/abdu-py2/models/model/train/model.ckpt-27688 \
--output_directory /home/jesse/abdu-py2/models/model
Question 1 - this is just a problem that you'll encounter because of your hardware. Once you get to a point where you'd like to a evaluate the model, just stop your training and run your eval command (it seems as though you've successfully evaluated your model, so you know the command). It will provide you a some metrics for the most recent model checkpoint. You can iterate through this process until you're comfortable with the performance of your model.
Question 2 - These event files are used as input into Tensorboard. The events files are in binary format, thus are not human readable. Start a Tensorboard application while your model is training and/or evaluating. To do so, run something like this:
tensorboard --logdir=train:/home/grasp001/abdu-py2/models/object_detection/train1/train,eval:/home/grasp001/abdu-py2/models/object_detection/train1/eval
Once you have Tensorboard running, use your web browser to navigate to localhost:6006
to check out your metrics. You can use this during training as well to monitor loss and other metrics for each step of training.