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Unity: PlayerLife variable doesn't update visibly in Inspector or HUD, but still functional in Background

The playerLife variable doesn't update visibly in the Inspector or the on-screen Health Text, but the Player still dies because the playerLife drops below zero.

I've determined that the Player prefab attached to the Zombie GameObject is solely the Player prefab rather than the in-scene active Player. How do I make it so that the zombies always reference the in-scene active Player rather than the basic Player prefab, by script? (Also, it won't allow me to manually drag the active Player into the Zombie)

Call hierarchy for playerLife

public class Player : MonoBehaviour
    public RaycastHit hit;
    public int gunDamage = 1;
    public Zombie zombie;

    private float hitForce = 100f;
    public float playerLife;
    private Vector3 flareLower = new Vector3(0, -0.5f, 0);

    void Start()
        spawnPoints = playerSpawnPoint.GetComponentsInChildren<Transform>();
        playerLife = 200;

    void Update() //T-toggle
        if (Input.GetButton("Fire1"))

        if (reSpawn != lastToggle)
            reSpawn = false;
            lastToggle = reSpawn;

    public void Life (float damage)
        playerLife -= damage;
        if (playerLife <=0)
            playerLife = 100;


public class Zombie : MonoBehaviour
    public int currentHealth;
    public Player player;
    public PlayerLifeCollider playerCollider; 
    private int damage;

    public void Damage(int damageAmount)
        currentHealth -= damageAmount;
        if (currentHealth <= 0)

    public void DestroyZombie()
        // gameObject.SetActive(false);

    public void DamagePlayer(float damage)


  • As you said, the problem is that you are not referencing the Player object on your scene, but a prefab one. To avoid that, you can add a Start function to the Zombie script and ask to look for what should be the only Player instance in the scene. For this, you can use the FindObjectOfType function:

    void Start()
        player = FindObjectOfType<Player>();

    Considering you will only have one Player script in your entire scene, what you can also do is to save in your Player class a static reference to your Player instance.

    public class Player : MonoBehaviour
        private static Player _instance;
        public static Player Instance
                if (_instance == null)
                    _instance = FindObjectOfType<Player>();
               return _instance;
        // Reset of your class

    You can then get this reference in your Zombie script:

    public class Zombie : MonoBehaviour
        static Player player;
        void Start()
            if(player == null)
                player = Player.Instance;
        // Rest of your class content

    This way, you will only have one call to the FindObjectOfType function instead of once per object using the Zombie script.