can anyone advise the correct way to use preg_match on directory names.
Ive used glob - to get a small array of files and I am wanting to use preg_match on the resulting foreach INCLUDING the directory..
however I am getting this error - preg_match(): Unknown modifier 'h' in ....
H of course is the 1st letter of my directory after the initial slash - /
EDIT - Code ($path includes the full path name)
// $temp=preg_replace("/\//","\/",$temp);
foreach($files as $ab => $ac)
$outlist.="'$ab' '$ac'\n";
$outlist.="TEMP '$temp'\n";
$outlist.="GOT '$ac'\n";
so don't use the / as the delimiter for your regex. Or escape the slashes in your input.
if(preg_match("~$temp~i",$ac)){$outlist.="GOT '$ac'\n";}
assuming the ~ is never part of $temp
or by escaping:
$temp2 = preg_quote($temp, '/');
if(preg_match("/$temp2/i",$ac)){$outlist.="GOT '$ac'\n";} `