Here is the program and here is the screenshot.
Here is also the code for the showGridAction
(where I see issues in that) inside the: void MainWindow::createActions()
function (in MainWindow.cpp
showGridAction = new QAction(tr("&Show Grid"), this);
showGridAction -> setCheckable(true);
showGridAction -> setChecked(spreadsheet -> showGrid());
showGridAction -> setStatusTip(tr("Show or hide the spreadsheet's"
" grid"));
connect(showGridAction, SIGNAL(toggled(bool)),
spreadsheet, SLOT(setShowGride(bool)));
#if QT_VERSION < 0x040102
// workaround for a QTableWidget bug in Qt 4.1.1
connect(showGridAction, SIGNAL(toggled(bool)),
spreadsheet->viewport(), SLOT(update()));
My questions:
1- First I think the part #if QT_VERSION < 0x040102
until #endif
is not needed anymore, because I'm using Qt 5.9. Do you think so too?
2- That code doesn't work in effect. As you can see from the screenshot above, checking and unchecking the Show Grid
option makes no changes! How to make it work for the app please?
3- There is a slot in the code named setShowGride(bool)
. Where is it from? It won't be highlited when I click it and also takes me nowhere when I press F2
on it! It's probably the source of the issue for the option above not to function.
How to fix it please?
There is a typo in the code. If it is fixed the app runs correctly. Use setShowGrid
not setShowGride
And about that part of the code, yes, it's not needed because you are using Qt 5.9.