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Concurrent Always blocks in Verilog

I stumpled a few times about some code which seems to be perfectly normal verilog-style but looks rather dangerous to me (I'm new to Verilog). It's always about concurrent always-blocks and/or assignments. Here is an example:

module some(input clk_i);

    module ram(
          input   wire                a_clk,
          input   wire                a_wr,
          input   wire    [ADDR-1:0]  a_addr,
          input   wire    [DATA-1:0]  a_din,
          output  reg     [DATA-1:0]  a_dout,

    reg [DATA-1:0] mem [(2**ADDR)-1:0];

    always @(posedge a_clk) begin
          a_dout      <= mem[a_addr];
          if(a_wr) begin
              a_dout      <= a_din;
              mem[a_addr] <= a_din;


reg wrmem=1'b0;
reg[ADDR-1:0] memaddr;
reg[DATA-1:0] d_in;

ram mem(.a_clk(clk_i),.a_wr(wrmem),.a_addr(memaddr),.a_din(d_in),.a_dout(memout));


always @(posedge clk_i) begin
    wrmem <= 1'b0;
        if(..) begin
            d_in <= sth.
            memaddr <= some address
            wrmem <= 1b'1;


So here we have two concurrent always-blocks. The first (in module "ram") reacts to a clock and 'reg a_wr' being high. In the second one this 'reg' is set to 0 and a few steps later to 1 again. Why does this not lead to arbitrary behaviour of the module "ram" (since the first block doesnt wait until the seconde one finishes)?


  • This exactly the reason for non-blocking assignments do exist in verilog.

    Verilog scheduling consist of several buckets per delta cycle. Roughly non-blocking assignments are executed in a separate scheduling bucket after blocking assignments.

    So, in your case you have 2 things:

    always @(posedge clk) 
        if (wreg)


    always @(posedge clk)
        wreg <= 0;

    in simulation the first block will use the value of 'wreg' as it existed before the non-blocking bucket is executed, probably 1.

    the second block will schedule the update of the wreg to 0 in the non-blocking bucket, not executed yet. So, there is no conflict.

    Therefore you are guaranteed to have consistent results during the simulation.