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Unable to do Single LogOut (SLO) in CAS with 3 client applications. (Spring Security 4.2.1.RELEASE + SSO CAS - jasig 4.0.3)

I'm using CAS with three applications, when I try to logout from one of then, CAS kill the session from that application, but the session remains in the others applications. How do I kill all the sessions?

  • CAS

logouts from application A, remais logged in applications B and C.

I wasn't able to get all cookies, only from the application where the logout method is in.

Anyone can assist on this one?


  • Fundamental here is to logout out the local application sessions and then call the cas logout service. I would imagine this is how your application logout controller would look like

    public ModelAndView logout(HttpServletRequest request) {
        return new ModelAndView("redirect:/logout/cas");

    when you redirect to /logout/cas the following entries in spring-security.xml will take care of single logout.

    <!-- This filter handles a Single Logout Request from the CAS Server -->
    <bean id="singleLogoutFilter" class="org.jasig.cas.client.session.SingleSignOutFilter">
        <property name="artifactParameterName" value="SAMLart"></property>
    <!-- This filter redirects to the CAS Server to signal Single Logout should be performed -->
    <bean id="requestSingleLogoutFilter" class="">
        <constructor-arg value="https://${}/cas/logout" />
            <bean class="" />
        <property name="filterProcessesUrl" value="/logout/cas" />

    Following link should be helpful, CAS Single Logout. Please note that this link is for CAS version 4.2.x.