I'm not seeing set-cookie on callbacks with successful authentication on my deployed app, whereas I have success locally (verified session creation, auth successful, withCredentials, etc).
My node.js service is using passport w/ express session at say https://api.example.com, and an angular app at https://app.example.com. My angular app is currently deployed with Netlify, and I'm using redirects to forward requests to my api:
from = "/api/*"
to = "https://api.example.com/:splat"
status = 200
force = true
headers = {X-From = "Netlify"}
for = "/api/*"
Access-Control-Allow-Origin = "https://app.example.com"
Access-Control-Allow-Credentials = "true"
Access-Control-Expose-Headers = "Set-Cookie"
my express-session config:
session: {
secret: process.env.SESSION_SECRET || "dummy-super-secret",
resave: false,
saveUninitialized: false,
cookie: {
domain: ".example.com",
secure: process.env.NODE_ENV === "production",
sameSite: (process.env.NODE_ENV === "production" ? "none" : "lax") as
| "none"
| "lax",
httpOnly: true,
maxAge: 24 * 60 * 60 * 1000, // 24 hours
My express api sits behind a caddy reverse-proxy... currently with this config:
api.example.com {
# Enable request logging
log {
output stdout
format console
level INFO
# bun-app:8080 is the docker container running the Node.js application
reverse_proxy bun-app:8080 {
header_up Host {host}
header_up X-Real-IP {remote}
header_up X-Forwarded-For {remote}
header_up X-Forwarded-Proto {scheme}
header_down Strict-Transport-Security max-age=31536000;
Where is the delta? I would think with cross-origin cookies, I would see set-cookie on the response from my express-app when my client is redirected to https://app.example.com/api/auth/callback?code=8cdb3b467ba81738cb66
It seems the answer is as simple as reading the docs... I was crucially missing app.set("trust proxy", 1)
, thus my app was not interpreting the
X-Forwarded-* headers.