I'm banging my head trying to get my mind around this. I have worked with arrays before but I seem to be struggling with them in PHP. Trust me I've looked at questions here and other places so I apologize upfront for how basic this question probably is. What I'm trying to do is make an array of an array???
basically, I'm trying to make a session global variable so that it stores an array and that can be continually added to.
$_SESSION['school'] = array('events' => array());
example of the events array would be:
events['name'] = 'Homecoming';
events['date'] = 'December 15, 2012';
events['cost'] = 18.00;
events['attending'] = array();
events['attending'][$i] = 'John'
The use then would be something be
echo $_SESSION['school'][$i][events]['name'];
echo $_SESSION['school'][$i][events]['date'];
echo $_SESSION['school'][$i][events]['cost'];
I've tried creating it as mentioned above and populating like this (again an array of events array)
$_SESSION['school'] = array('events' => array());
$_SESSION['school'][$i][events]['name'] = 'Homecoming';
$_SESSION['school'][$i][events]['date'] = 'December 15, 2012';
$_SESSION['school'][$i][events]['cost'] = 18.00;
$_SESSION['school'][$i][events]['people'] = array('jane', 'john', 'bill');
This doesn't seem to work because I can tell the count is going up as it is being populated. I've tried a few other ways but for some reason I haven't been able to figure it out. Most examples I've come across don't appear to be similar to what I'm trying do. Any help would be greatly appreciated.
--------UPDATED QUESTION BASED ON FEEDBACK-------- I think I'm very close to understanding you're updated logic and I tried updating my code but I'm running into the following issue. I have an initialization php script which sets $_SESSION['school'] = array(array());. This doesn't get populated until later and at one point I do a check on $_SESSION['school'] with count. It always returns 1 on the intial check even though nothing was added. However, I assume its because it holds one empty array. So it makes me question the structure. Since I'm a visual person this is what I think I need but I'm not sure how to construct it.
//would be an 1 dimensional array that empty until a school is added later on in code.
$_SESSION['school'] = array();
it's elements would hold a multidimensional array with elements
['name'] = 'Johnson High';
['address'] = '121 elm';
['city'] = 'san jose';
['state'] = 'California';
['events'] = array();
['events'] is empty until events are added but here are some items it would contain
['events']['name'] = 'homecoming';
['events']['date'] = 'December 15, 2012';
['events']['cost'] = '18.00';
in the end the $_SESSION['school'] could hold 1 to many schools that I could loop through.
Now to my misunderstanding of danL updated logic, I don't see how name and events would have the same index? When I look at the code I get a sense that the the $_SESSION['school'] would look like this
$_SESSION['school']{ 'name' => 'Johnson High',
'events' => array('basketball', 'soccer', 'football'),
'name' => 'West Forsyth High',
'events' => array('basketball', 'soccer', 'football')};
If that's the case then each element is at a different index. I must be missing something fundamental here. I'm continually trying to read up and make the connection to what I'm doing wrong. I think I'm just looking at the problem from the wrong angle.
Ok, so based on the help of danL (thanks so much). I've figured out what I need to do. So in my initialization script I set,
$_SESSION['school'] = array();
after further processing I create a events array to store the info in.
$event = arra();
$event['name'] = 'Homecoming';
$event['date'] = 'December 15, 2012';
$event['cost'] = '18.00';
$event['people'] = array();
$event['people'] = { 'john', 'mary', 'mark', 'janice'};
the last two lines could probably be joined into one line.
then I add the event array to the school array as,
$_SESSION['school'][] = $event;
I don't know how I get spun around so easily with associative arrays but thanks for all the help.