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Capistrano: Before deploy:published hook needs to know release directory

I am making a task that runs the slow composer install command BEFORE the current symlink is changed to point to the new release (because I don't want my new release to be broken for the first minute of it's life while the packaged are fetched).

before 'deploy:publishing', :composartisan do
    on roles(:app) do
        within fetch(:latest_release_directory) do
            execute "cd #{current_path} && composer dump-autoload && composer install && php artisan storage:link && php artisan migrate"

This doesn't work because fetch(:latest_release_directory) returns the current release, not the one that we are building and about to published in a few minutes time.

How can I fetch the folder path of the release we are building?


  • Found the solution myself. I needed to change 2 lines:

    • within fetch(:latest_release_directory) became within release_path
    • cd #{current_path} became cd #{release_path}

    Here's the full working snippet...

    before 'deploy:publishing', :composartisan do
        on roles(:app) do
            within release_path do
                execute "cd #{release_path} && composer dump-autoload && composer install && php artisan storage:link && php artisan migrate"

    Bit of a rant, but why is this not really documented on the Capistrano site? I found my solution by chance while browsing other Capistrano questions on StackOverflow. Now I look back I see release_path is only mentioned once in the deploy:reverting section of the rollbacks page ( A page that lists and explains all the variables that are made available seems like a basic essential to me.

    [Not to be a back-seat-driver who bitches at open source, I will endeavour to fork the documentation and fix it myself when I feel my Capistrano skills are ninja enough to reliably write about it.]
