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Can't create a new Symfony project

I can't create a new Symfony project as described in the Symfony Documentation:

This is the command I use: symfony new --full my_project


$  symfony new --full my_project
WARNING The current directory seems configured for as a SymfonyCloud project, but it is not linked yet.
        You can link this directory to an existing project: symfony link [project-id] (get project IDs via symfony projects)

* Creating a new Symfony project with Composer

  unable to find composer, get it at exec: "composer": executable file not found in  

I don't understand why the command can't find the composer executable.

When I just enter $ composer in my terminal, composer is executed.

This is my Symfony CLI version: Symfony CLI version v4.6.1

In my .bash_profile file, I have an alias for composer:

alias composer="php /usr/local/bin/composer.phar"

My /etc/paths:


What is wrong in my config?


  • Most likely, it's because you didn't rename composer.phar.

    First, do this:

    mv /usr/local/bin/composer.phar /usr/local/bin/composer

    It will rename composer.phar to composer.

    Then you can also delete your alias. Alias are for connected users. Executable and installer don't read your aliases, which is why symfony installer isn't finding composer.

    If it doesn't solve your problem, you can try to install your Symfony project with composer directly:

    composer create-project symfony/website-skeleton my_project