In a Symfony 5.4 project calling
composer update
stops (or is not proceeding) when the downloading part should process. It lists all the things to download like this
Downloading php-http/discovery (1.19.1)
Downloading symfony/flex (v1.20.2)
Downloading symfony/yaml (v5.4.23)
Downloading twig/extra-bundle (v3.7.0)
Downloading twig/string-extra (v3.7.0)
and then the line
0/82 [>---------------------------] 0%
stays like that forever not proceeding / changing. Any ideas are much appreciated.
composer diagnose
led me to the problem (yeah - I should have asked composer for that before...) It told me
Checking oauth access: The oauth token for seems invalid, run "composer config --global --unset" to remove it
Doing that solved the problem.