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Can't send a variable to twig in order to send an email

I want to send an confirmation email, but I can't send the variable of my form to my email

Here's my code

        if($form->isValid() && $form->isSubmitted()) {
        $NewsLetters = $form->getData();

        if(!$NewsLetters->getNom()) {


        $nom = $NewsLetters->getNom();

        $message = (new \Swift_Message('Confirmation d\'inscription à la newsletter'))
            ->setFrom('[email protected]')
                array('nom' => $nom,      //HERE

But twig give me this error

Variable "nom" does not exist in emails\confirmationEmail.html.twig at line 4.


Vous avez été inscrit avec succès à la Newsletter : {{ nom }}
{#{{ newsletterWebsite }} {{ newsletterStylo }} {{ newsletterCrayon }}#}

Normally it's work

Thanks for your help !


  • Seems a problem of wrong indentation: the array with params should be passed as second argument of the renderView method as follow:

     $message = (new \Swift_Message('Confirmation d\'inscription à la newsletter'))
                ->setFrom('[email protected]')
                       array('nom' => $nom),
                    ), // close renderView
                ); // close setBody

    Hope this help