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Spring AspectJ get method annotation from ProceedingJoinPoint

I have an aspect that handles all methods that have a custom annotation.

The annotation has an enum parameter and I have to get the value in the aspect:

public @interface Monitored {
    MonitorSystem monitorSystem();

My case is very similar to that question and the accepted answer works for Spring beans that do not implement an interface.

The aspect:

public class MonitorAspect {

    public Object monitor(ProceedingJoinPoint pjp) throws Throwable {
        MethodSignature signature = (MethodSignature) pjp.getSignature();
        MonitorSystem monitorSystem = signature.getMethod().getAnnotation(Monitored.class).monitorSystem();

But if the Spring bean that is annotated with @Monitored (only the implementation class is annotated) implements an interface - pjp.getSignature() returns the signature of the interface and it does not have an annotation.

This is OK:

public class SomeBean {
   public String someMethod(String name){}

This does not work - pjp.getSignature() gets the signature of the interface.

public class SomeBeanImpl implements SomeBeanInterface {
   public String someMethod(String name){}

Is there a way to get the signature of the implementation method from ProceedingJoinPoint?


  • Managed to do it with:

    public class MonitorAspect {
        public Object monitor(ProceedingJoinPoint pjp) throws Throwable {
            MethodSignature signature = (MethodSignature) pjp.getSignature();
            Method method = pjp.getTarget()
            Monitored monitored = method.getAnnotation(Monitored.class);