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Reference one RoslynPad script from another

What I'd like to do is reference one script from another.

One way to make this happen might be using assemblies. RoslynPad allows compiling a script into an assembly. Here is what I have tried so far.

Script A, which is compiled to SOME_PATH\thing.dll

    class Thing
        public string Name { get; set; }

Script B

    #r "SOME_PATH\thing.dll"

    using static Program;

    var t = new Thing();
    t.Name = "TEST";

This gives the error "The type or namespace 'Thing' could not be found..." so I tried the following.

    #r "SOME_PATH\thing.dll"

    var t = new Program.Thing();
    t.Name = "TEST";

This gave the following error "The type name 'Thing' does not exist in the type 'Program'".

Is there a way to "Compile and Save assembly" and then reference it from another script? Or, is there a more direct way to cross reference between scripts?


  • What you're looking for is the #load directive:

    #load "Path\To\ScriptA.csx"
    var t = new Thing();

    You can read more about the C# script variant in the Roslyn wiki. Note that not everything there is relevant to RoslynPad, which unlike the C# Interactive window, is not a REPL.