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Using Extension methods in RoslynPad or Polyglot notebooks

I try to understand an extension method similar to this code

var p = new Person("Tim");   
p.LastName = "Meier"; 

// reader.Get<bool>("IsDerivat");
var IsOlivia = p.Get<bool>("Olivia");   

This is my code inside RoslynPad:

public static class PersonExtensions
    public static T Get<T>(this Person person, string name)
        return (T)person.NewFirstName(name);

public class Person
    public Person(string firstName)
        this.FirstName = firstName;

    public string FirstName {get; private set;}
    public string LastName {get; set;}

    public object NewFirstName(string name)
        this.FirstName = name;
        return (object) this.FirstName;

But i get this error

error CS1109: Extension methods must be defined in a top level static class; PersonExtensions is a nested class

I found this question extension-methods-must-be-defined-in-a-top-level-static-class- and the answers are good.

Adding a namespace Foo returns

error CS7021: Cannot declare namespace in script code

It seems that roslynpad adds stuff behind the scene. So how can i make sure that my extension method is defined in a top-level static class?


  • RoslynPad uses Roslyn's script language syntax, which does not allow extension methods in classes (because the entire script is actually a class, and C# doesn't allow extensions in nested classes).

    Currently, your only option (besides referencing a compiled assembly that contains the extension class using #r directives) is to place the extension as a top-level method in the script. For example:

    public static T Get<T>(this Person person, string name)
        return (T)person.NewFirstName(name);
    var p = new Person("Tim");   
    p.LastName = "Meier"; 
    var IsOlivia = p.Get<bool>("Olivia"); // works 

    PS - I'm the author of RoslynPad.