Search code examples

MDX - How to aggregate by date considering start and end date in a dimension

I need to calculate a measure grouping by date in a range of dates considering a start and end dates in a dimension. The objective is to count the number of students of a specific school that are actives on each day in a period.

The following SQL Code works on Data Warehouse (source of cube).

    ,count(distinct a.SKStudent) as Students
FROM DM.DimTime t
    CROSS JOIN DM.FactStudents a 
    INNER JOIN DM.DimStudents m ON a.SKStudent = m.SKStudent
    INNER JOIN DM.DimSchool e ON a.SKSchool = e.SKSchool
WHERE t.[date] between '20170502' and '20170512'
    and e.SchoolCode = 123456
    and t.[date] between m.[StartDate] and m.[EndtDate]
GROUP BY t.[data]

The result set is like the following:

| date         | Students |
| 2017-05-02   |    567   |
| 2017-05-03   |    567   |
| 2017-05-04   |    568   |
| 2017-05-05   |    570   |
| 2017-05-06   |    570   |
| 2017-05-07   |    570   |
| 2017-05-08   |    573   |
| 2017-05-09   |    573   |
| 2017-05-10   |    571   |
| 2017-05-11   |    568   |
| 2017-05-12   |    568   |

I try made the MDX code. The following is what I tried. I don't know how filter the day using the logic in CASE statement (between '???' marks):

WITH SET DateRange AS 
    [Dim Time].[Date].&[20170502]:[Dim Time].[Date].&[20170512]
MEMBER StudentsByDay AS 
                    BETWEEN [Dim Students].[Start Date] 
                        AND [Dim Students].[End Date] 
                THEN [Measures].[Students Count]
            ELSE NULL END???)
    NON EMPTY { [StudentsByDay] } ON COLUMNS,
    NON EMPTY { [DateRange] } ON ROWS
FROM [Education]
WHERE ( [Dim School].[School Code].&[123456] ) 


  • MDX isn't that flexible like SQL. I'd recommend to put the following condition into your FactStudents table:

    t.[date] between m.[StartDate] and m.[EndtDate]

    and use like a separate measure or replace the existing one.

    You need the following things:

    1. a fact table with DateID, StudentID fields (see the code below);
    2. a measure group related with Student and Date dims;
    3. a measure with DistinctCount aggregation on StudentID field.

    The fact code:

         t.[date] as DateID
        ,a.[SKStudent] as StudentID
    FROM DM.DimTime t
        CROSS JOIN DM.FactStudents a 
        INNER JOIN DM.DimStudents m ON a.SKStudent = m.SKStudent
        INNER JOIN DM.DimSchool e ON a.SKSchool = e.SKSchool
    WHERE e.SchoolCode = 123456
        and t.[date] between m.[StartDate] and m.[EndtDate]