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Instantly "locking" a record in multi-user Access environment

So, record-locking in Access is pretty awful. I can't use the built-in record locking because it locks a "page" of records instead of just the individual records (I've tried changing the settings for using record-level locking, but it's still locking a page instead of just one record), but even if I could get that working, it wouldn't solve my issue because the record doesn't lock until the user starts to make changes in the form.

The issue is, when two people open the same record, they can start making changes and both save (thus overwriting the earlier change). To make matters worse, there are listboxes on the form that link to other tables (keyed on an ID) and the changes they make to those tables are then overwritten by any change that comes after if they both opened the same record.

Long story short, I need to make sure it's impossible for two people to even open the same record at the same time (regardless of whether or not they've made any edits to it yet).

To do this, I added a field to the table which indicates if a record has been locked by a user. When they open a form, it sets their name in the field and other users who try to open that record get a notification that it's already locked. The problem is, this "lock" isn't instantaneous. It takes a few seconds for other users to "detect" that the record is locked, so if two people try to open the same record at roughly the same time, it will allow them both to open it. I've applied a transaction to the UPDATE statement that sets the lock, but it still leaves a short window wherein the lock doesn't "take" and two people can open the same record.

So, is there a way to make an UPDATE instantaneous (so all other users immediately see its results), or better yet, a robust and comprehensive way to lock records in an Access multi-user environment?


  • OK, I finally figured out all of the issues contributing to this and worked out a solution.

    The problem is multi-faceted so I'll cover the issues separately:

    First issue: My custom locks weren't instantaneous. Even though I was using a transaction, there were several seconds after a lock was placed where users could still access the same record at the same time. I was using CurrentDb.Execute to UPDATE the record and Workspaces(0).BeginTrans for the transaction. For some reason (despite Microsoft's assurances to the contrary from here: the issue was that the transaction wasn't working when using the Workspaces object. When I switched to DBEngine.BeginTrans, the lock was instantaneous and solved my immediate problem.

    The irony is that I almost always use DBEngine for my transactions but went with Workspaces this time for no reason, so that was a bad move obviously.

    Second issue: The reason I had to use custom locking in the first place was because record-level locking wasn't working as expected (despite being properly configured). It was still using page-level locking. This was due to a performance trick I was using from here:

    The trick involves opening a connection to the database where your linked tables are contained, which speeds up linked table operations. The problem is that the OpenDatabase method is NOT compatible with record-level locking so it opens the db using page-level locking, and since the first user to open a database determines its lock level (as explained here:, all subsequent connections were forced to page-level.

    Third issue: My problem is that my forms are not just simple bound forms to a single table. They open a single record (not allowing the user to navigate) and provide several functions which allow the user make modifications which affect other records in other tables that are related to the record they're editing (through comboboxes and pop-up forms and what not). As a result, I can't allow two people to open the same record at the same time as it leaves way too many opportunities for users to walk over each others' changes. So even if I remove the OpenDatabase performance trick, I'd still have to force the Form to be Dirty as soon as they open it so the record locks immediately and no one else can open it. I don't know if this would be as instantaneous as my custom locking and haven't yet tested that aspect.

    In any event, I need a record to be locked the instant a user opens it and for now I've decided to keep using my custom locking (with the fix for the transaction). If something else comes to light that makes that less than ideal, I can try removing the OpenDatabase trick and switching to Access's built-in locking and force an immediate lock on every record when it is opened.