I have this string:
$var = "Foo (.* ) bar blla (.* ) b*l?a$ bla bla ";
I want to escape the * and ? and all special characters that are not gathered in this shape
I wanted to use preg_quote($var, '\')
But it escapes all the special characters, and I only need the single special characters to be escaped.
I want this result:
$var = "Foo (.* ) bar bla(.*) b\*l\?a\$ bla bla ";
I want to use the final $var (the result) in a preg_match that matches all (.*) in an other string, and the special characters which are in my case theses :
., \, ^, $, |, ?, *, +, (, ), [, ], {, }, and /
should be parsed as a normal text so they should be escaped. while the (.*) one shouldn't be escaped. Only the special characters above should be escaped, because I will have to use $var in preg_match. The other special characters, no need to escape them.
preg_match("/" . $var . "/s", $anotherstring, $match);
Here are a few patterns that outperform ClasG's answer:
Input: Foo (.* ) bar blla (.* ) b*l?a$ && bla bla
Pattern: /\([^)]*\)(*SKIP)(*FAIL)|([^a-z\d ])/i
Replace with: \\\1
Output: Foo (.* ) bar blla (.* ) b\*l\?a\$ \&\& bla bla
Pattern Demo (just 122 steps)
Basically it just omits the "protected" parenthetical portion and matches any non-alphebetic & non-space characters.
If you want to specifically list the symbols, you can just change the negated character class to the character class in the OP like this: (still 122 steps)
or you can use only the symbols in your sample, here's the full pattern (still 122 steps):
All of ClasG's patterns are slower than my 3 patterns above:
ClasG's written pattern:
fails and takes 418 steps - demoClasG's linked demo pattern:
is correct but takes 367 steps - demoClasG's third pattern:
is correct but has a strict requirement for the parenthetical portion. It is the best pattern in that answer taking 186 steps - demo.