Please assist with creating an SQL view.
On DB2 For i V7R2
Departments at my company are allowed to sell a listing of products, up until they are replace with a new product. On the day that the new product becomes effective the Department is allowed to sell both Products. At the COB, the old product is no longer allowed to be sold, and needs to be returned.
SQL query to return the listing of "allowed" products for a specific date.
The query needs to return:
"Green-Ladder" and "Red-Ladder" `WHERE EFFDAT = CURRENT_DATE
Example Data Set:
drop table QTEMP/Product_EffectiveDate_TestTable;
create table QTEMP/Product_EffectiveDate_TestTable (
Dept varchar(50) not null,
EffDat date not null,
PrdCde varchar(50) not null);
insert into QTEMP/Product_EffectiveDate_TestTable
( Dept, EffDat, PrdCde)
('Department A', CURRENT_DATE + 10 DAY , 'Blue-Ladder'),
('Department A', CURRENT_DATE , 'Green-Ladder'),
('Department A', CURRENT_DATE - 10 DAY , 'Red-Ladder'),
('Department A', CURRENT_DATE - 20 DAY , 'Yellow-Ladder') ;
My answer for a single product per department is:
select *
from qtemp.Product_EffectiveDate_TestTable a
where effdat = (select max(effdat)
from qtemp.Product_EffectiveDate_TestTable
where effdat < current_date
and dept = a.dept)
or effdat = current_date
You can convert this to a view if you are only interested in products for the current date. However if you want to be able to query it for any given date, you will have to create a table function.
The view would look something like this:
create view Products_By_Department as
select *
from qtemp.Product_EffectiveDate_TestTable a
where effdat = (select max(effdat)
from qtemp.Product_EffectiveDate_TestTable
where effdat < current_date
and dept = a.dept)
or effdat = current_date;
The UTF could look like this:
create or replace function xxxxxx.UTF_ProductsByDepartment
p_date Date
returns table
Dept Varchar(50),
EffDat Date,
PrdCde Varchar(50),
language sql
reads sql data
no external action
not deterministic
disallow parallel
select dept, effdat, prdcde
from qtemp.Product_EffectiveDate_TestTable a
where effdat = (select max(effdat)
from qtemp.Product_EffectiveDate_TestTable
where effdat < p_date
and dept = a.dept)
or effdat = p_date;
You would use the UTF like this:
select * from table(xxxxxx.utf_ProductsByDepartment(date('2017-06-13'))) a
Note that you cannot put a function in QTEMP, so you will have to replace xxxxxx
with an appropriate library, or you can leave it unqualified, and set the default schema some other way.