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WebDeploy - Connection String TFS2017

In my WebConfig I have the following connection String.


   <add name="Name" connectionString="Url=hSomeURL; Domain=SomeDomain; Username=UserName; Password=YYYYY;"


In my pub.pubxml file I am trying to transform this String with the Env variables from my Release definition for Username,password and Domain. Could I call this connection string from a parameters.xml file? I tried adding this to my Web.Release.Config file but it did not work xdt:Transform="SetAttributes" xdt:Locator="Match(name)"/> .


  • Make sure you are using a right format such as the name matches the auto generated connection string name in the parameters.xml. A sample:

      <parameter name="Username" value="xxx">
        <parameterEntry type="XMLFile" scope="web.config$" match="//configuration/connectionStrings/site/@xxx"/>

    For more details, you could take a look at this blog: How to build a connection string from other parameters within MSDeploy packages to avoid repeating yourself in Release Management variables