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TTL setting for Redis inside Connection String, is it possible?

I am doing a maintenance on several Python applications, which use connections to Redis services. Due to an infrastructure need, I am reducing the number of variables we will have in the environment settings as much as possible for all applicaitons. Today, the application uses several parameters, for example:


We want to make a change and only use a connection string and another variable, such as:

REDIS_PRIMARY_CONNECTION_STRING = "redis://:password@localhost:6379?db=<database_number>&decode_responses=True&health_check_interval=2"

However, via Connection String, I couldn't find in the documentation a way to set the TTL (Time To Live) as default to a value. Either I do this directly in the code, or I will have to extract the key parameter and define it at run time. Is there any way to set the Redis Time To Live by default, in the connection string?


  • Redis doesn't support a global TTL. You will need to set it individually for each key.