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Azure App Service Connection String Not Working

I am working on an core web api project and its hosted on azure app service. What I'm trying is to put my cosmos db connection string in app service connection string. I added a document db type connection string but when I'm calling it, it wont get read.

enter image description here

I tried this,

CosmosDBAccountPrimaryKey = _configuration.GetConnectionString("DOCDBCONNSTR_COSMOSDBCONNSTR");

this also,

CosmosDBAccountPrimaryKey = _configuration.GetConnectionString("COSMOSDBCONNSTR");

But none worked. For just checking i tried to put the connection string in app setting variables and tried this,

CosmosDBAccountPrimaryKey = _configuration["COSMOSDBCONNSTR"];

This worked but when I'm calling from connection string, its not working.


  • The issue was Type of connection string when creating it in app service. I was setting its type to Document DB which was not working. But when I set it up to Custom then it started working