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Understanding nagios check_ping plugin output

Trying to understand the output of Nagios Plugin check_ping:

root@debian:/usr/local/nagios/libexec# ./check_ping -H -w 10,1% -c 20,10%
PING CRITICAL - Packet loss = 60%, RTA = 1.26 ms|rta=1.256000ms;10.000000;20.000000;0.000000 pl=60%;1;10;0

As per the documentation, the performance data is displayed after the pipe '|' symbol. I am trying to understand the fourth parameter for each category / section. In the above example, what does 0.000000 and 0 stands for?


  • First, here is the official documentation: Nagios Plugin Development Guidelines

    Second, the numbers returned from each metric (in order) is:

    value [with unit of measurement], warning threshold, critical threshold, minimum value, maximum value

    In your case, only the warning,critical and minimum are reported after the perfdata itself. So to answer your question, those numbers are the minimum value (possible).