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How to add lines with name and date when converting file to upper case?

I am trying to get my program to read input from a .txt file and then convert the input to uppercase letters.

 * 2/16/24
 * Purpose of this program is to convert contents of a file to upper case letters.

package UpperCaseFileConverter;
import java.util.Scanner;

public class UpperCaseFileConverter {

    public static void main(String[] args) throws IOException 
        Scanner scanner=new Scanner(;
        String userFileName;
        // get file name (my file name is going to be convert.txt for this example)
        System.out.print(" Enter the Filename: ");
        userFileName = scanner.nextLine();
        // open file        
        File file = new File(userFileName);
        while(!file.exists()) {
             System.out.print(userFileName+"does not exists. Please re-enter the file name\n"
             + "remember for this example we are using \"convert.txt\"" );
             userFileName = scanner.nextLine();
             file = new File(userFileName);
        Scanner fileToScan = new Scanner(file);
        PrintWriter fileToWrite = new PrintWriter("convertToUpper.txt");
        //Test file
        while(fileToScan.hasNext()) {
        //Write file to new .txt file   
        while(fileToScan.hasNext()) {
        fileToWrite.println( fileToScan.nextLine().toUpperCase());
        System.out.println("Contents have been converted to upper case and saved in convertToUpper.txt");


I need the program to add a new line to the file that has my name, and then add to the end of the file the date, so the output should have 2 more lines than the input.

In my class and the text book for Java I simply have not been taught how to add to specific lines of a document, so I don't know how I would add to the first line... Either that or I'm and idiot and missed that part.


  • /* xxxxx
     * 2/16/24
     * Purpose of this program is to convert contents of a file to upper case letters.
    package xxxxxUpperCaseFileConverter;
    import java.util.Scanner;
    public class xxxxxUpperCaseFileConverter {
        public static void main(String[] args) throws IOException 
            //Create scanner for keyboard input from user 
            Scanner scanner=new Scanner(;
            //Create string name to hold user input
            String userFileName;
            //Get file name (my file name is going to be convert.txt for this example)
            System.out.print(" Enter the Filename: ");
                userFileName = scanner.nextLine();
            // Specify file        
            File file = new File(userFileName);
            //Error message
            while(!file.exists()) {
                 System.out.print(userFileName+" does not exists. Please re-enter the file name\n"
                 + "remember for this example we are using \"convert.txt\"" );
                 userFileName = scanner.nextLine();
                 file = new File(userFileName);
            //Create output file and create a Scanner to read from the input file 
            PrintWriter fileToWrite = new PrintWriter("convertToUpper.txt");  
            try (Scanner fileToScan = new Scanner(file)) {
                fileToWrite.println("XXXXX XXXXX");
                System.out.println("XXXXX XXXXX);
                while (fileToScan.hasNextLine()) {
                    String line = fileToScan.nextLine();
                    String upperCaseLine = line.toUpperCase();                
                    //print the converted line to the console                
            //Confirm message
            System.out.println("Contents have been converted to upper case, Name and date have been added. New data saved in convertToUpper.txt");
            //Close input and output files.

    This seemed to work. It is based on the input from the other answers here. It writes output to a .txt document verified and data tested to console.