I am trying to write something like this:
always@(posedge bus_start)
@(posedge scl) buffer[7] = sda;
@(posedge scl) buffer[6] = sda;
@(posedge scl) buffer[5] = sda;
@(posedge scl) buffer[4] = sda;
@(posedge scl) buffer[3] = sda;
@(posedge scl) buffer[2] = sda;
@(posedge scl) buffer[1] = sda;
@(posedge scl) buffer[0] = sda;
But it is not synthesizable according to the error I got.
I may use FSM to solve this, but that could make it complicated, is there any way to make it synthesizable?
It looks like you're trying to capture data from an I2C interface.
Here is a simple solution for capturing 8 bits of data from sda
and storing that into a register called buffer
// starts on rising edge of scl or bus_start
always@(posedge bus_start or posedge scl)
buffer[0] <= sda; // loads sda into the lowest bit of buffer
buffer[7:1] <= buffer[6:0]; // shifts the lower 6 bits one to
// the left, acting as a shift register
More information about I2C in verilog can be found here In addition, a basic I2C slave can be found here (you must register and login to view the source code).