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Unity EditorGUI.PropertyField can't fully disable array or List

So, here is the code:

// ReadOnlyAttribyte,cs
public class ReadOnlyAttribute : PropertyAttribute


// ReadOnlyDrawer.cs
public class ReadOnlyDrawer : PropertyDrawer
 public override float GetPropertyHeight(SerializedProperty property,
                                         GUIContent label)
     return EditorGUI.GetPropertyHeight(property, label, true);

 public override void OnGUI(Rect position,
                            SerializedProperty property,
                            GUIContent label)
     GUI.enabled = false;
     EditorGUI.PropertyField(position, property, label, true);
     GUI.enabled = true;

// test
public class GridObjectData : ScriptableObject 
    public int ID;

public List<GridCell> Grid;

Here is a simple custom attribute and attribute drawer that allows us to disable all marked(by [ReadOnly]) fields to be disabled in GUI. So the elements of the List are disabled, however the size of the list is still enabled in GUI. How could I fix that ?

Thank you.

Update: Please take a look how it looks in the inspector


  • The problem is that your Property Drawer is used for rendering each element (property) in the list, and not the list itself as a whole.

    As such. every property does become read only, but the list object itself is still rendered the same, and the way Unity presents it is by showing the "Size" property.