I am using eXist-db and I am trying to download a picture and save it on local disk with XQuery. I have trIed the following code:
declare namespace xmldb="http://exist-db.org/xquery/xmldb";
import module namespace http="http://exist-db.org/xquery/httpclient";
import module namespace util="http://exist-db.org/xquery/util";
let $url :=
let $response := http:get(xs:anyURI($url), true(), <Headers/>)
let $picture := util:base64-decode($response//httpclient:body)
xmldb:store("/db/apps/places", "picture.png", $picture)
The above code downloads the picture, but when I try to open the image, I get an error.
I hope to have explained my problem well.
See my fully commented, working sample code for downloading a file over HTTP and storing it in eXist-db at https://gist.github.com/joewiz/5938909.