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Unity (C#): How do I call a List<int> from a different Scene?

Unity (C#): How do I call a List from a different Scene? I get nullReferenceException bc in the current scene, it has no variables set to it. But in the previous Scene it had the correct values and variables that I wanted. (note: the 2 scenes are different but I want to use the score as a shared value between Scenes).

Otherwise, do you have an alternative to retrieving the "frameTexts[9].text" position?

using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using UnityEngine;
using UnityEngine.UI;

public class ScoreDisplay : MonoBehaviour

    public Text[] rollTexts, frameTexts;
    static string output;

    public void FillRolls(List<int> rolls)
        string scoreString = FormatRolls(rolls);
        for (int i = 0; i < scoreString.Length; i++)
            rollTexts[i].text = scoreString[i].ToString();


    public void Fillframes(List<int> frames)
        for (int i = 0; i < frames.Count; i++)
            frameTexts[i].text = frames[i].ToString();
            Debug.Log(frameTexts[i].text + " frames");

    public static string FormatRolls(List<int> rolls)
      //  ScoreDisplay scoreDisplay = new ScoreDisplay();
        output = "";

        for (int i = 0; i < rolls.Count; i++)
            int box = output.Length + 1;                            // Score box 1 to 21 

            if (rolls[i] == 0)
            {                                   // Always enter 0 as -
                output += "-";
            else if ((box % 2 == 0 || box == 21) && rolls[i - 1] + rolls[i] == 10)
            {   // SPARE anywhere
                output += "/";
            else if (box >= 19 && rolls[i] == 10)
            {               // STRIKE in frame 10
                output += "X";
            else if (rolls[i] == 10)
            {                           // STRIKE in frame 1-9
                output += "X ";
                output += rolls[i].ToString();                      // Normal 1-9 bowl

        return output;
    public string DisplayFinalScore()
        string FinalScore = "Congrats on scoring: " + frameTexts[9].text;
        return FinalScore;



  • I think your request depend on what you wanna do in your project. But i can recommend some few solutions:

    • Singleton (unitygeek - gist)
    • Save your scores in external file
    • PlayerPref

    If you wanna keep the scores entire the whole game, i think singleton will be nice !!