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NLog Inner Exception Logging

I'm trying to log inner exception messages by using NLog. This is a piece of my NLog.config file:

<target name="errors" xsi:type="File" layout="${longdate}${newline}
    - Exception Message: ${exception:format=Message}${newline}
    - InnerException Message: ${exception:innerExceptionSeparator=TEXT}${newline}"
   concurrentWrites="true" />

I'm getting the same message See the inner exception for detailsfor both Exception Message and InnerException Message lines of NLog.config file.


  • This worked for me:

      <target name="errors" xsi:type="File" layout="
                ${onexception:EXCEPTION OCCURRED\:

    Property descriptions :

    • ${exception:maxInnerExceptionLevel=N} - controls how many inner exceptions are logged. defaults to zero for backwards compatibility.
    • ${exception:innerExceptionSeparator=TEXT} - defines text that separates inner exceptions. Defaults to new line string (platform specific).
    • ${exception:innerFormat=FORMATSTRING} - defines the format of inner exceptions the same way that ${exception:format=FORMATSTRING} defines the format of the top-level exception. If this parameter is not specified, the same format is used for both top-level and inner exceptions.

    Here is the official Nlog Documentation for logging inner exceptions