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How to rotate logs in laravel using logrotate?

Deployed my laravel application few months ago, and recently found out that my application was unable to write to log because my disk was full. When i checked i found out that the laravel.log file was almost huge. I want to know how to rotate the laravel logs with logrotate.


  • Go to /etc/logrotate.d and create a new config file.

    cd /etc/logrotate.d
    sudo touch laravel_rotate

    Add the log file location and some settings.

    log/file/dir/laravel_log.log { 
        rotate 12 
        create 755 www-data www-data 

    Settings explained:

    1. monthly: backups will be created monthly
    2. missingok: ignore the file if it is missing
    3. rotate 12: keep a year’s worth of backups
    4. notifempty: do not rotate the log if it’s empty
    5. compress: compress the log file
    6. create: create a replacement log file with the following permissions

    To test this new config, run sudo logrotate --force /etc/logrotate.d/laravel_rotate

    logrotate doc