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Is it possible to change colors in serilog?

I have just integrated Serilog in my dot net core project. It is working really well but I use a dark theme and some logs are really dificult to read. As an example:

enter image description here

This is how I init Serilog:

string environment =  Environment.GetEnvironmentVariable("ASPNETCORE_ENVIRONMENT");
LoggerConfiguration loggerConfig = new LoggerConfiguration();
if (environment == "Production")

Is there any way I could change colors to make that black logs white for example?


  • Yes, the way to change colors when using the Console sink is through themes. You can try one of the built-in ones, or create your own.

    The Console sink will colorize output by default:

    Colorized Console

    Themes can be specified when configuring the sink:

        .WriteTo.Console(theme: AnsiConsoleTheme.Code)

    The following built-in themes are available as of this writing:

    • ConsoleTheme.None - no styling
    • SystemConsoleTheme.Literate - styled to replicate Serilog.Sinks.Literate, using the System.Console coloring modes supported on all Windows/.NET targets; this is the default when no theme is specified
    • SystemConsoleTheme.Grayscale - a theme using only shades of gray, white, and black
    • AnsiConsoleTheme.Literate - an ANSI 16-color version of the "literate" theme; we expect to update this to use 256-colors for a more refined look in future
    • AnsiConsoleTheme.Grayscale - an ANSI 256-color version of the "grayscale" theme
    • AnsiConsoleTheme.Code - an ANSI 256-color Visual Studio Code-inspired theme

    Adding a new theme is straightforward; examples can be found in the SystemConsoleThemes and AnsiConsoleThemes classes.