So, I have a rails partial (an image of a car) that I want to put between two arrows ("<" and ">").
Here's my haml:
= render partial: 'vehicle_image', locals: { quotation_request: quotation_request }
The problem I'm having is that I can't get the two arrows to show up on the same row as the image. Any ideas on how this can be fixed?
You could probably assign the arrows to some sort of element instead and lay things out like this
= render partial: 'vehicle_image', locals: { quotation_request: quotation_request }
You may have to do a bit of CSS to reduce the paddings/margins so that it that arrows end up where you want them exactly.
I just attempted it on a personal project using:
= link_to place_path(place) do
= image_tag place.main_image.url(:medium), class: 'img-responsive img-place', alt:
And got roughly this result after a bit of margin tweaking: