I'm Working on a game, and i want to create a mute button. So i wrote a script for that and i attach this script into a gameObject that don't destroy on load.
I link the script with a UI Button present in a main menu. This UI button is destroy when i'm changing scenes.
when i start my game, and i click on the button, the audio turns off, and when i click back, it turns on.
But when i change to another scene, and i go back to the main menu, my script doesn't have the UI Button attach to it. so when i touch the button the audio doesn't change is behavior
I would like to know if it's possible to maintain the link between the UI Button and the script (attach to a normal GameObject), even if the UI Button is destroyed?
i tried this:
ButtonGameObject = GameObject.Find("UI Button");
but it doesn't work.
How can i fix that?
Thanks a lot.
So a better approach rather than having a script search and grab the component is to use a PlayerPrefs class from Unity. Essentially, it will hold onto all important aspects of the game and auto fill information.
This is a great tool for a lot of user customization aspects of a game. When using this, have a script (sceneController
would be a good name) that will run when the scene starts (create a blank object at 0,0,0) and then under void Start()
have the script grab the mute/unmute button: GameObject.Find("MuteButton")
or (my favorite) give it a tag called MuteButton
and run: GameOject.FindWithTag("MuteButton")
. Also once you get a link to the button, add a listener to it for when the button is pressed.
Also store the sound manager in a gameController
that will be passed throughout the game. This would control the soundManager
and have access to that. So sceneManager
will also need a reference to gameManager
Using a script that is just for player preferences (a controller if you will) is a better way to organize and contain any preferences for the users. Just better clarity and separation.
SceneController Object Script
class SceneController {
GameObject muteButton;
void Start() {
muteButton = GameObject.FindWithTag("muteButton");
void muteButtonClick() {
if (PlayerPrefs.GetInt("playerMute")) {
// If 1 (on)
// Set sound off
PlayerPref.SetInt("playerMute", 0);
} else {
// It's 0 (off)
// Set sound on
PlayerPrefs.SetInt("playerMute", 1);