there are an error when i use like in my query, the error when i use quotation (') only this my code
zz = "SELECT * from users where userid Like N'%" & TextBox1.Text & "%'"
Dim cmdz As SqlCommand = New SqlCommand(zz, myConnection2)
zr = cmdz.ExecuteReader
If zr.HasRows Then
While zr.Read
Dim rowall As String() = New String() {zr("customer").ToString, zr("Management").ToString, zr("block").ToString, zr("Customerid").ToString}
End While
DataGridView1.Visible = True
End If
Use parameters which will convert your input into valid sql query (so you don't have to escape single quotes)
zz = "SELECT * from users where userid Like N'%' + @userId +'%'"
Dim cmdz As SqlCommand = New SqlCommand(zz, myConnection2)
cmdz.Parameters.Add("@userId", SqlDbType.VarChar).Value = TextBox1.Text