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How to create JDialog with 3 sliders and 2 drop lists?

I have an existing frame with 2 panels on it. When the user presses one of the JButtons found on the JPanel, I need to handle the event by opening a JDialog box that allows the user to set settings - settings that include 3 sliders and 2 drop lists, when the user saves the settings I need to pull them from this dialog and use them later. I'm new to GUI and for the past 2 and a half days I have searched for many ways to create this such of thing, and I have succeeded to make a slider and a drop list each one by its own, but I still haven't figured out how to handle an event while a frame is open, because from what I have seen I need a new JFrame, but what happens to the one alrady open? In addition, how can I make this dialog with these sliders and drop lists?

Here is the code I wrote for the slider:

public void setSlider()
    optionPane = new JOptionPane();
    JSlider slider = getSlider(optionPane);
    JSlider slider2=getSlider(optionPane);
    optionPane.setMessage(new Object[] { "Select animal's speed: ", slider });
    dialog = optionPane.createDialog(Frame, "Set speed");
    int speed = (int) optionPane.getInputValue();


static JSlider getSlider(final JOptionPane optionPane) {
    JSlider slider = new JSlider();
    ChangeListener changeListener = new ChangeListener() {
      public void stateChanged(ChangeEvent changeEvent) {
        JSlider theSlider = (JSlider) changeEvent.getSource();
        if (!theSlider.getValueIsAdjusting()) {
          optionPane.setInputValue(new Integer(theSlider.getValue()));
    return slider;

I hope this post is specified enough. Thanks!!!


  • As you want the dialog's results "only after it closes," simply collect the results at that time. Starting from this complete example, the following update produces the output and appearance shown:

    JSlider slider = new JSlider();
    int result = JOptionPane.showConfirmDialog(null, panel, "Test",
        JOptionPane.OK_CANCEL_OPTION, JOptionPane.PLAIN_MESSAGE);
    if (result == JOptionPane.OK_OPTION) {
            + " " + field1.getText()
            + " " + field2.getText()
            + " " + slider.getValue());
    } else {
    One 1234.56 9876.54 50
