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How to get shareable link of a slack message using a slack bot written in nodejs?

I am trying to create a slack bot using nodejs. I have a requirement where my bot needs to save the link of some slack messages that contains a specific text. This needs to be done for new messages that comes after a bot joined a channel, and also before the bot joined a channel. I tried using search.message api call of slack, but it gives me

"ok":"false", "error":"user_is_bot"

So I guess I can't use this way.

Is there any other way?

Thanks heaps!!


  • The search.message method is not availble for bot users. That is why you get that error message.

    There are two ways around this.

    1. Use a user token instead of a bot token to call the API method

    When you received your bot access token you also received a user access token. Use use the user access token to call the API method. (see page Bot Users, section "Share your bot user as a Slack app")

    2. Use channels.history to retrieve messages

    The channels.history method also allows you to retrieve messages for a channel and will also work with bot tokens.